We now use the Elementor Page Builder for creating websites for clients.
If you have a website built using Elementor, below are the video tutorials that will help you update the content on your website.
The main things that clients usually want to update on their website include the Text, Images, Videos, Testimonials / Reviews
We've added basic and advanced tutorials covering these topics and more that can be done on your website.
Please be VERY careful as you make updates to your website. If you require us to update your website or to fix your website then there is a cost to do that.
Auckland | Bay of Plenty |
Canterbury | Gisborne |
Hawke's Bay | Manawatu-Wanganui |
Marlborough | Nelson |
Northland | Otago |
Southland | Taranaki |
Tasman | Waikato |
Wellington | West Coast |
© 2014 - 2025 iBeFound Digital Marketing,
a subsidiary of iBeFound International Ltd
PO Box 321, Hāwera 4640
021 227 9922