Are you ready to have a hard-working eCommerce website for your business? Then you've come to the right place!
Our Marketing Websites are no ordinary websites. They are built from the ground up with marketing in mind - to promote your business 24/7.
Hover over each box below for a brief description to help you determine which Marketing Website is your right fit.
SIMPLE eCommerce Marketing Websites are aimed at businesses who have a small inventory of products (up to 100) for sale.
SIMPLE eCommerce Marketing Websites are aimed at businesses who have a small inventory of products (up to 100) for sale.
CLASSIC eCommerce Marketing Websites are for local small businesses with between 100 and 1000 products for sale.
CLASSIC eCommerce Marketing Websites are for local small businesses with between 100 and 1000 products for sale.
ADVANCED eCommerce Marketing Websites are for retail businesses with over 1000 products for sale.
ADVANCED eCommerce Marketing Websites are for retail businesses with over 1000 products for sale.
Before we get into the particulars, consider for a moment the car manufacturing industry. There are minimum specifications that must be met for a car to be considered roadworthy. A car made to these minimum specifications is considered the BASE MODEL for that company's line or series.
Yet, all base models are NOT CREATED EQUAL!
For example, the base model of a Honda Civic is far less equipped than the base model of an Audi RS 7. In fact, the fully loaded version of a Honda Civic is NOT even in the same league as the base model of the Audi RS 7 and their price tags reflect this difference - NZD $42,900 vs. NZD $209,900.
The same holds true in the world of website design - what we at iBeFound consider to be the bare minimum in our Marketing Websites FAR EXCEEDS what you'd get with the supped-up version from many other web agencies or website designers!
The table below outlines the features and services that we consider to be the BARE MINIMUM for a website to be web-ready and visitor-worthy. Does your eCommerce business deserve any less than this?
While the BASE MODEL of our Marketing Websites (as described in the table below) is sufficient for some clients, there are many cases where it is not enough. Some businesses need more pages while other require additional features and/or functionalities.
To help you determine what's best in your case, please contact us to discuss your needs.
NOTICE: we are NOT accepting any new eCommerce Website projects at this time!
Auckland | Bay of Plenty |
Canterbury | Gisborne |
Hawke's Bay | Manawatu-Wanganui |
Marlborough | Nelson |
Northland | Otago |
Southland | Taranaki |
Tasman | Waikato |
Wellington | West Coast |
© 2014 - 2025 iBeFound Digital Marketing,
a subsidiary of iBeFound International Ltd
PO Box 321, Hāwera 4640
021 227 9922