• Why Love Our Marketing Websites

  • Perhaps you've come to realise that...

    It's Time for YOU to Leverage the Popularity of Online Search to
    Gain More Exposure, Get More Business & Generate Cash Flow!

    We encourage you to...

    Start with a Branded, Well-Optimised Website
    linked to a domain name you own.

    We GUARANTEE you will LOVE our
    Beautiful, Worry-Free, Marketing Websites that GET RESULTS!

    So, let's talk about the WHY... or rather the WHYs.

  • A List of Online Marketing WHYs

  • The initial statement above and its related encouragement present us with a number of WHYs:

    • WHY is online search so popular?
    • WHY leverage the popularity of online search?
    • WHY should your business have a website?
    • WHY have a branded, well-optimised website?
    • WHY should your website be linked to a domain name YOU own?
    • WHY do we guarantee that you will LOVE our Marketing Websites?

    We'll answer these questions below.

  • A Fun Take on Why ...Y

  • Why is Online Search so Popular?

    Online search involves using the Internet to look for an answer to a question; for a solution to a problem; or for information about someone or something. Online searches are performed via search engines.

    Today, the most popular of all search engines is Google!

    Searching online or "googling" has become increasingly popular because:

    • it is convenient - available wherever you have Internet access
    • it is instantaneous - provides quick results to your query
    • it is bountiful - provides multiple results to your query
    • it is non-judgmental - provides results without questioning your query
  • Why Leverage the Popularity of Online Search?

    I'm sure you'd agree that a business without sales is just a hobby. Yes! The continued existence of your business and its capacity for growth is dependent on the sales of your product(s) and/or service(s). Those sales will come from a combination of your new customers and your existing customers.

    Whether you know it or not... whether you like it or not... the reality is that more and more consumers are going online to research products, services, and businesses before making a buying decision. Many online searchers go on to call or visit the business to get more info, to book an appointment, or to make a purchase.

    If you do not have a web presence that can be found easily by your target audience, then you are missing out on a huge share of your market!

  • By leveraging the popularity of online search, you can:

    • put your business in front of a multitude of potential customers
    • solidify your presence in the mind of current customers
    • provide answers to frequently asked questions
    • make better use of your time in running your business
    • improve the effectiveness of your marketing strategy
    • give your business a competitive edge
    • grow your business - in reach and in size
    • increase your revenue and cash flow
  • Why Should Your Business Have a Website?

    Some business owners are not yet convinced of the value of having a website. So, let's take a look at why you SHOULD have a website for your business.

    Like a business card, your business website is a marketing tool. At minimum, it can provide information about who you are, what you do, where you are located and how to contact you. But, a business website can be so much more powerful than any business card.

  • Unlike your business card, your business website is (or can be):

    • Accessible - available online 24-7 (cannot be lost or thrown away)
    • Expandable - can have much more info than on a business card
    • Interactive - visitors can leave comments, feedback, reviews, etc.
    • Updateable - keeping your contact info current is easy

    By having a website for your business, you can:

    • Answer Questions - give visitors answers to their questions
    • Build Credibility - help people get to know you and your business
    • Control Reputation - use customer testimonials to prove your value
    • Expand Reach - go beyond word-of-mouth and referrals to get more customers
    • Express Empathy - show customers that you understand them and can help them
    • Establish Authority - show people that you are an expert in your field
    • Generate Leads - draw new customers to your business
    • Instill Trust - humanize your website by showing the people behind it
    • Provide Information - tell visitors about your products/services using text, images, and videos
    • Sell Online - allow customers to purchase your products/services at their convenience
  • Why have a Branded Website?

    A branded website is one that has been specifically designed to promote a promise of quality AND to encourage an online experience that validates that promise.

    The factors that contribute to your website being branded include:

    • your domain name
    • your logo and favicon
    • the colour scheme and font scheme
    • the page layout and menu structure
    • your choice of images
    • the tone of your text
    • the use of video
    • the quality of your content
    • the use of domain-based emails

    Having a branded website for your business can

    • increase awareness and memorability of your brand
    • improve trust and loyalty in your brand
    • set you apart from your competitors
    • shorten the sale cycle of your services/products
    • lower your marketing expenditure
    • heighten the ease and frequency of recommendations/referrals
  • Why a Well-Optimised Website?

    A well-optimised website is one that is user-friendly, device-friendly, and search-engine-friendly.

    To be USER-FRIENDLY, your website must:

    • be quick to load and easy to navigate
    • be free from clutter and pleasing to the eye
    • have easy-to-find contact information
    • have text that is scannable and easy to read
    • have customer-focused, easy-to-understand content
    • have clear calls to action to guide your visitors to their desired solution

    To be DEVICE-FRIENDLY, your website must adapt to whatever device it is accessed on. It should look great to your visitors, and work well for them, whether they are using their desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

    To be SEARCH-ENGINE-FRIENDLY, your website must:

    • use valid web coding
    • have a crawlable link structure
    • have a regularly updated XML sitemap
    • use human-readable, descriptive URLs
    • use short, descriptive filenames and alt text for images
    • include good on-page and on-site SEO
  • Having a well-optimised website for your business can:

    • improve your site's ranking in search results
    • increase your flow of organic (free) traffic
    • bring you more targeted customers
    • have an impact on the research/buying cycle
    • enhance your lead generation efforts
    • improve your conversion rate
    • reduce your bounce rate
    • attract new business
    • increase your sales
  • Why Should Your Website be Linked to a Domain Name YOU Own?

    Domain names are a low-cost investment in your business. Whether you get your business website professionally built or you decide to use a DIY website builder, you will want to link it with a domain name that is owned by you. In the case of using a DIY website builders, you'll need to upgrade to one of the paid accounts that allows you to link a custom domain name to your website.

    There are many benefits to having your own domain name and linking it to your website. These include...

    • Brand Identity - builds your brand authority
    • Credibility - adds believeableness to your business
    • Findability - search engines tend to prefer websites with own domain name
    • Marketability - easier to add to your business card and other promotional material
    • Memorability - easier for you and others to remember your web address
    • Professionalism - elevates your business from hobby to serious contender
    • Portability - you can change web hosts and keep using the same domain name
    • Shareability - easier for you to tell/give others your web address
    • Trustworthiness - can show your local geographic location
  • Why do we Guarantee that you'll LOVE our Marketing Websites?

    More precisely, why do we guarantee that you'll love our beautiful, worry-free Marketing Websites that work?

    Well, let's start with the fact that our Marketing Websites are beautiful, worry-free, and they work to effectively promote your business online 24/7.

    They are BEAUTIFUL - a lot of research, creativity, and care goes into creating each and every one of the Marketing Websites we create for our clients. Tremendous consideration is given to the color palette and font choices. Appropriate use of whitespace is employed to ensure an appealing, uncluttered look.

    They are WORRY-FREE - with our iBF Managed Hosting option, we free you from the hassles of managing a web hosting. We perform a FULL back up every day. We keep the website software - WordPress, your theme, and plugins - up-to-date. A few less things for you to worry about.

    They WORK - built from the ground up with marketing in mind and then infused with YOUR x-Factor so as to attract your desired customers. Basic principles of direct response marketing and consumer psychology are used throughout the website to guide web visitors to your desired outcome.

    Then add the fact that our Marketing Websites are BRANDED and WELL-OPTIMISED - built to help visitors get to Know, Like and Trust YOU!

    YES! When you make the decision to get a Marketing Website from iBeFound, you are choosing a website that will help you...

    Leverage the Popularity of Online Search to
    Gain More Exposure, Get More Business & Generate Cash Flow!