Recall our 2-part system that makes up the business branding process:
Once you’ve Defined YOUR Business Branding Strategy as previously discussed, the next phase to focus on is the implementation phase. We’ll be going through the steps involved below.
[Create your brand identity.]
Previously, we saw that brand identity is the visual and verbal expression of a brand. ~ Philip Kotler et al, B2B Brand Management, p.315 (slide #328). It is the way YOU want folks to perceive you.
To clarify this concept, the folks over at Merriam Associates in the article, Beyond Name and Logo: Other Elements of Your Brand makes the following comparison:
Here are some…
Business brand identifiers include, but are not limited to:
So, by the end of this step, you should determine what YOUR business brand identifiers are and begin assembling them.
[Secure what is your own.]
It is vitally important that your business stakes claim to its territories (especially online) and prevent squatting by others.
Online Territories: secure your domain name and username for the various social networks.
Go to and use their search tool see if your desired business/trade name is available. Purchase your domain name and claim your associated username on as many of the social networks as possible. Remember, you’re NOT going to try to be active on all those social networks.
As Megan Auman said, you want to start by focusing on just one social network, but…
Ideally, your business should have its own website WITH a blog included in addition to an ACTIVE presence in one or more social networks. If you need a reminder as to why you need a website for your business, please view the video below:
Offline Territories: your choice of which of these you should use in your business branding strategy depends on your type of business as well as your branding objective:
[Be knowable, likeable and trustworthy.]
Gone are the days of selling. We live in the days of helping. That’s the message of Jay Baer, best-selling author of Youtility – Why Smart Marketing is about Help not Hype.
Jay suggests that businesses should focus on being USEFUL rather than being amazing. Be useful by providing information, resources, and tools that have intrinsic value; and “your customers will keep you close”.
For a business to engender brand loyalty, authentic relationship building is more important than mass advertising as pointed out by Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks.
So, focus on building AND cultivating authentic relationships by
[Safeguard your branding investment.]
Whether your business has been around for a while or you are just about to launch it, you no doubt understand the importance of protecting your brand. Conserving your brand in the marketplace and in the minds of consumers is an on-going process. Ideally, it should begin even before the brand is launched.
Safeguarding your business branding investments involves the following:
By way of clarification, the following presentation from IDFCTRY highlights the differences between various types of legal ownership that can be applied to products, services, and/or businesses…
Brand Architect and Designer, Linda Schenk, also offers the following advice in her article What Domain Names Should You Register to Protect Your Brand?
On the matter of conserving your brand, we leave the last word to Jason Gillikin as expressed in the article How Can a Businesses Protect Their Brand & Trademark From the Internet?
Now that we’ve gone over the four steps involved in implementing your business branding strategy, you should be well equipped to put them into action.
The following resources might help further clarify some of the points discussed above:
Also, check out our “Brand Protection and Reputation Management” board on Pinterest for some more insights.
Follow iBeFound International Ltd's board Brand Protection and Reputation Management on Pinterest.
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