If you’re just joining us, you might want to start with the article Does YOUR Brand Take a Stand? – the Archetypes where we began our discussion on the 12 character types that personal and business brands fall into.
The Rebel is our fifth character type. Is this the archetype of your brand?
Nobel Prize winning author, journalist, and philosopher, Albert Camus provides an illuminating definition of the rebel in his 1956 novel, The Rebel – An Essay on Man in Revolt [PDF]:
Some other names for the Rebel are the Maverick, the Outlaw, the Revolutionary, the Activist, and the Reformer.
So, is YOUR brand “unsatisfied with the status quo and abhors convention”?
Does it believe in “taking chances”?
Are its core values freedom and individuality?
Does it take a stand for freedom of self-expression?
These include:
A Rebel champions values such as:
A Rebel disdains:
These include:
Some well-known personal Rebels are:
Some everyday people who are personal Rebels:
[I would like to add some everyday personal brands to this list. If you know of any that might fit into this category, please submit your suggestion via the comment section below. I will review them and determine whether or not they make suitable candidates to be added to the list. Thank you in advance.]
Some well-known business brands that are Rebels include:
Here are some more Rebel-type businesses:
[I would like to add some more businesses, preferably small to mid-sized, to this list. If you know of any that might fit into this category, please submit your suggestion via the comment section below. I will review them and determine whether or not they make suitable candidates to be added to the list. Thank you in advance.]
For more on rebels, you might find the following resources interesting:
Be sure to visit our “Who and What of Business Branding” board on Pinterest for some more insights.
Follow iBeFound International Ltd's board Who and What of Business Branding... on Pinterest.
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